woensdag 21 mei 2008

Clive Owen, the badass!

I saw "Shoot 'Em Up" today, and it was a great action movie. It starts of brilliant and ends that way. Clive Owen, who's always been a cool actor, plays the lead and his character is awesome, this frustated hero who makes whitty, sarcastic comments. The film itself is actually just a more action-focused version of his previous film "Children Of Men", he helps a woman who's being attacked, he delivers her baby, she dies, he has to protect the baby of a whole lot of bad guys! The title isn't misleading, you will see a lot and I mean a lot of shootings. You just have to see this movie and if you're still not convinced, maybe the fact that Paul Giamatti and Monica Bellucci (hot!) are his co-stars will be able to persuade you. Oh, and they show once and for all that the carrot is the toughest vegetable and it's many versatile uses.

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