woensdag 28 mei 2008

Je vous manque?

La route était longue, mais on est finalement arriver en Pont De La Tour. Un petit village avec plus de restaurants que citoyens. On est tout près de Saint-Tropez, et pas loin non plus de Cannes et Monaco. Le temps n’est pas parfait, même loin de là. Le premier jour pas de piscine car il pleuvait. Le deuxième jour les études commencaient, ça a bien avancé! Et entre les livres un petit plongeon dans l’eau. Elle était bien froide. J’ai aussi déjà degusté de saveurs regionales, la tarte Tropeziène, sauce provencale fait maison et vin de pays. Aujourd’hui le même programma, ça commence déjà à m’ennerver. Alors ce soir j’ai decidé de profiter de l’internet de l’hotel, 5 euro pour une heure! C’est un peu exageré mais bon! Allez, encore un peu etudier, puis un jeu de societé avec mes petits vieux et après peut-être un film. Et demain on recommence tout. Du courage à ceux qui etudient et à ceux qui vont déjà commencer avec leur examen.

Enjoy the “holiday”!

zondag 25 mei 2008

La France!

Demain je pars pour deux semaines en France, en faite mes parents avaient prévu d'y aller pendant que j'etais encore à Louvain pendant mes cours. Mais comme j'ai deux semaines pour étudier avant mes examens, j'aurai été seul à la maison. Alors ils ont décidé de m'inviter car ils n'ont pas confiance en moi, ils ont raison, et parce que sans moi ils s'ennuient! On va loger à Pont La Tour, c'est tout près de Saint-Tropez, sur la Côte D'azur! Mais bon, tout ça n'a pas vraiment d'importance car je vais là pour étudier, c'est triste. Comme mes examens de Noël ne sont pas si bien passés, je dois vraiment prende ceux-ci aux serieux, l'isolation devrait m'aider. Mais espérons quand même un peu de soleil, c'est toujours beaucoup plus chouette!

zaterdag 24 mei 2008

Len In.

No, not the socialistic icon, but my best friend, the musical genius! Len In. has released his first EP called "Maths" and it has five fantastic tracks. You can download them legally and for free at his Last.fm profile. It's the first artist of promising, new record label "Obey Records" to actually accomplish something.

But that's not all! When he's not making songs on his computer, he plays the bass and together with his brother and nephew, respectively drums and keyboard, made a song and clip! Enjoy "De KARRE"!


@ Tuin Van Peda

@Vort WC-kotteke van Fakbar Letteren

@ Buskot Leuven

@Centraal Station Brussel

@ Buik Lennert op trein

@ Marginale woning Gent

@ Vogelpik Pedabar Leuven

@ Cool dansclubke Gent

@ Trap naar WCs Vooruitcafé Gent

@ Toekomstige Opus Dei-gebouw Leuven

Paar rare foto's die ik dit jaar maakte met mijn GSM verzameld, ofwel vond ik de tekstjes leuk, of de tekeningetjes, ofwel was het gewoon de moeite waard, denk ik zo. De kwaliteit is slecht maar dat geeft net de charme, vind ik.

vrijdag 23 mei 2008


I bought myself a PSP game today, Killzone: Liberation, I had the first Killzone on PS2 and it was super, it was revolutionary for PS2-format, and luckily it made us all forget that Halo was only for Xbox. So I hope this one will be as good, I don't really mind it was cheap and I don't play a lot of PSP, only on holidays...

De Jeugd Van Tegenwoordig!

De Jeugd Van Tegenwoordig bracht eindelijk een nieuw plaatje uit, en dat kocht ik dan ook onmiddelijk. De Nederlandse rappers die enkele jaren geleden bekend werden met het liedje "Watskeburt" hebben al heel wat goeds op de markt gebracht. Maar met deze cd zijn ze toch wat vooruitgegaan, de beats zijn electro basis en hun rhymes en flows zijn heel wat beter uitgedacht dan bij hun eerste liedjes, van die evolutie waren "Shenkie" en "De Stofzuiger" de perfecte getuige. Nu ja, holla at ya boi en geniet van het plaatje:

De Jeugd Van Tegenwoordig: De Machine(speedyshare)

3.Deze Donkere Komt Zo Hard
4.Buma In Mijn Zak
6.Flap Flap
7.De Musical
8.Bertje vs. Yayo
9.Wopwopwop(de tentbakkers)
10.Er Is Een Hitje
11.Niet Als Jouw
13.Centje Centje(damsko centje express)

Dank Beatjunkies voor het sharen van dit album!

donderdag 22 mei 2008

Indiana Jones

You got to love Indie! I mean the the third Indiana Jones "The Last Crusade" was made in the year I was born, and 18 years later they just make another one, Harrison Ford who should be dead or at least retired even takes this task back on. He puts on his hat, takes his whip and he's ready to save our asses again. So you just know I had to go see this movie the first day it showed, I saw the three movies again in the last couple of weeks and the tune haunted my head the whole time. And yesterday I saw the the fourth film. It begins very promising but after ten minutes they make a discovery and you just hope this isn't what you think it will be otherwise the story's crap, sadly this was the case. The plot of "The Kingdom Of The Crystal Skull" sucks, but luckily you've got Shia and Harrison saving the movie with some great performances, the humour is also really good and some stories within the story are pretty neat. So actually this movie is one of the first movie that are good without the story being worth one cent, but probably this is just because of Indiana Jones, one of the coolest characters ever! Still in my opinion, this is a movie you've got to see!

P.S. I would have killed to have a teacher like that, I still would...

woensdag 21 mei 2008

Lupe Fiasco, Kanye West, Pharrell & Thom Yorke

I found this homemade music video on youtube, it's made by a big fan of Kanye & co by the name of Va$htie. And for an amateur video it's pretty awesome. It's a good concept. Of course Kanye's mixtape is also great, enjoy!

And you can download the mixtape here:

Us Placers - CRS (Lupe Fiasco, Kanye West, Pharrell & Thom Yorke) (zSHARE)

And I got a little extra for you, the new song of N.E.R.D., Everyone Nose... See if you get the reference.

And you can even download the song here:

N.E.R.D. - Everyone Nose (zSHARE)

Electro blog.

Ik ben mede-auteur geworden van nog een blog. Samen met een vriend onderhou ik nu een blog die je op de hoogte houdt van de electro scene. Verwacht maar een goed aantal remixes van gevestigde waarden, maar ook onbekende nieuwkomers die wat spotlight verdienen. Dus check it out op Panoremix's blog!

En nog even vermelden dat een vriend van me die ik al eerder beschreef, Ben, ook met een blog is begonnen, ga daar ook maar af en toe eens kijken: Ben is Zen...

Clive Owen, the badass!

I saw "Shoot 'Em Up" today, and it was a great action movie. It starts of brilliant and ends that way. Clive Owen, who's always been a cool actor, plays the lead and his character is awesome, this frustated hero who makes whitty, sarcastic comments. The film itself is actually just a more action-focused version of his previous film "Children Of Men", he helps a woman who's being attacked, he delivers her baby, she dies, he has to protect the baby of a whole lot of bad guys! The title isn't misleading, you will see a lot and I mean a lot of shootings. You just have to see this movie and if you're still not convinced, maybe the fact that Paul Giamatti and Monica Bellucci (hot!) are his co-stars will be able to persuade you. Oh, and they show once and for all that the carrot is the toughest vegetable and it's many versatile uses.

dinsdag 20 mei 2008


Pnau is an Australian dance music duo. I knew them from their song "Wild Strawberries", but about two months ago their single "Baby" was released upon Belgian radio and it also was pretty good. But afterwards I saw their album cover and I thought the little dots were kind of cool, so I made my name in to dots too. To finish if you don't know then you should check them out, you can download their singles here:

Pnau - Baby (zSHARE)
Pnau - Wild Strawberries (zSHARE)


Eindelijk kan er eens kennis gemaakt worden met mijn leefwereld en daar spelen een aantal mensen een grote rol in. Dus laat ik hier kennis maken met mijn makkers, maten, amigos, compadres, kameraden, homies,... vrienden.
De eerste persoon die men ziet op de foto's is Lennert De Weerdt, mijn "partner in crime" en beste vriend. Elkaar leren kennen bij onze ongelooflijk stomme hobby Judo en dan heel het middelbaar in dezelfde school en nu kennen we elkaar al zo'n 8 à 9 jaar. Dat is best lang in onze levens en we spenderen ook veel tijd samen, en dat heeft zo zijn gevolgen, er is zoiets geëtablisseerd als een "brainlink", Lennert en ik denken nogal vaak hetzelfde en zeggen dan ook soms net hetzelfde op net hetzelfde moment. Best irritant soms, maar vaker vooral handig bij onze kwalijke plannetjes en vele projecten.
De volgende persoon op de foto's is Pieter Defraene, de persoon die ik het minst lang ken. Toen onze scholen fuseerden, kwamen we in dezelfde klas terecht en na een paar weken werden er al contacten gelegd met de "vijand" en zo werd Pieter onze vriend. Hij was alvast bizar genoeg om er onmiddelijk bij te horen en werd al snel een heel goede vriend. Pieter is waarschijnlijk de enige waarmee ik kan discussiëren, maar dan irriteer ik hem vaak, en ook kan praten over hedendaagse dingen, in die zin is hij ook de coolste onder mijn vrienden want zijn smaak en interesses ondanks dat die niet altijd dezelfde zijn als de mijne zijn meestal zonder twijfel best cool.
En dan heb je Ben De Gelas, mijn dikke vriend (die waarschijnlijk al blij is wanneer hij leest dat ik hem net mijn vriend noemde), ik ken hem sinds het tweede middelbaar. Wij maken het hem vaak moeilijk, hij is een beetje de pispaal van onze groep en dat is niet altijd makkelijk natuurlijk, wij maken hem uit voor alles wat niet mooi is. Maar meestal houden we toch van hem en zouden we hem misschien zelfs missen als hij er niet was. Hij is de enige die sommige dingen begrijpt en is ook ongeveer de enige met wie ik over vrouwelijk schoon kan praten...
Niet te vergeten is Pieter Van Damme ondanks het feit dat ik hem laatst niet meer zoveel zie, mag hij hier toch nog vermeld worden. Pieter en ik zijn al bevriend sinds het eerste middelbaar en dat is toch ook al zo'n 7 jaar. Pieter is iemand die je kan vertrouwen en die je waarschijnlijk heel veel dingen kan vertellen en erover kan praten en wees maar zeker dat hij dat ook met jou gaat doen. Ook een robbertje vechten kon er altijd wel af, vroeger toch. Pieter heeft sinds kort ook weer een lief, we wensen hem dus dan ook het grootste geluk.

De huidige situatie is wel wat belastend voor onze vriendschap. Zo zitten Lennert, Ben en ik in Leuven op kot, heel dicht bij elkaar. Dat zorgt soms voor strubbelingen. Maar veel erger is dat de twee Pieters daar niet zitten! Pieter Defraene studeert in Gent, hem zien we nog vaak door vele bezoekjes aan Gent en ook wat bezoekjes van hem aan Leuven, en soms doen we ook wel nog wat in het weekend als we niet "studeren"! Pieter Van Damme koos dan weer om te studeren in Brussel, die zijn bezoekjes zijn heel wat minder dus zien we hem ook minder vaak en zeker nu hij andere dingen aan zijn hoofd heeft. Maar goed, een vriendin van mij zei ooit : "Vriendschap is eeuwig!" en ondanks het feit dat ik daar zwaar aan twijfel hoop ik toch dat de onze nog wat blijft duren.

Natuurlijk moet ik ook nog mijn beste vriendin, Nathalie, vermelden, het meisje dat de tijd hier in Leuven zo ongeveer onvergetelijk heeft gemaakt, die mijn studies heel wat heeft opgefleurd en die me ondanks haar rotslecht gevoel voor humor toch vaak doet lachen. Ik ben niet altijd even vriendelijk (dat geldt trouwens voor mijn houding tegenover ongeveer iedereen) maar ik apprecieer haar echt. Laten we hopen dat we volgend jaar allebei in het tweede jaar rechten zitten.

Nacho Libre.

I bought this DVD of "Nacho Libre" today, it was cheap and I heard it was funny. Anyways I also think Jack Black is supercool so... I mean he's probably one of the few people I think are as cool as Kanye West. The guy is completely funny and just gives the impression that he's just like you, a great buddy. Tenacious D and their movie were hilarious! And the music is awesome! I can't wait till I see his latest oeuvre "Be Kind, Rewind!" with rapper Mos Def, who is a pretty cool actor too. But I'm going to watch the movie on my trip of which I'll talk later, so let's hope it's funny!

maandag 19 mei 2008


"I need some sleep", that is how a great Eels-song goes and it can't be more right. Sometimes I just have these insomnia-attacks, last night I couldn't get any sleep so I kept busy all night, listening to music, drawing, writing things down,... just waiting untill the sun came up and I could go downstairs when my parents wouldn't be too suspicious, just a bad sleep I'd say. But it's been over 38 hours since I slept and I really need some sleep. But I can't seem to get myself into bed, maybe I'll just watch another movie, put my special sleep-playlist(including Lullaby by The Cure) on and count some sheep...

zondag 18 mei 2008

Kanye West - Young Folks

I found this bit on youtube where Kanye kind of freestyles on a sample of the Swedish group, Peter, Bjorn And John. The original is pretty famous in Europe, the Kanye West version isn't. So it's the opposite of America. But hey, I was impressed by Kanye's skills...AGAIN! But I was sad the song was in such poor quality and didn't really have consistency, so I mashed it up with original and now you've got a song you can enjoy. Only at the beginning of the interview the beats are a bit off, but I hope it doesn't bother too much... The song can be downloaded at the end of the page via zSHARE, Enjoy! Kanye rules the nation!

Kanye West - Young Folks ft. Peter, Bjorn and John
(Mashed by CDRC)
Album cover also made by me...


New shoes!!! I bought myself a new pair of Adidas-shoes. I love this brand, the three stripes and they instantly look like classic sneakers. I already had the famous white Adidas sneakers, worn by the likes of RUN DMC! And I just couldn't resist another pair...

zaterdag 17 mei 2008

6 years Culture Club

A bit more than two weeks ago, a friend and I went to celebrate the six year anniversary of Culture Club, a famous dance club in Ghent. Like most of their big parties, it was held in the Eskimofabriek, an old ice cream factory. The night began in search of this location, but after a few talks with a couple of bus drivers, we knew what direction to take and we were there pretty much on time. Maybe even a bit too early because the place wasn't really jumping... But hey, we made the best of it and started the night off with Brodinski, "the best act at Soulwaxmas" was a popular opinion. To me it was a bit to trashy, not really an eveningstarter, he couldn't get the crowd going. Maybe good in the past but at this party he failed. So after a while tired by the hardcore electro sounds, we went to room2, the RnB room, Black Frank was dj-ing, he played some fine classics and did a pretty good set, but we couldn't stay because Goose was going to begin their set, last time I saw them I was f*cking impressed, they had good taste and their mixes were perfect, so from then on I was sure they could kick ass as live performers but also as DJs, so I hoped this time they kept me in this belief. And guess what? They did! The crowd went wild and immediately began to dance, they were AGAIN amazing. But I had to leave to ream to see another cool guy Willie Wartaal, the fat black guy of De Jeugd Van Tegenwoordig, a Dutch Rap Group, he came with his semi-electro formation Aka The Junkies and as a solo-Dj, and I found out he isn't only a kick ass rapper but a really good DJ too. Sometimes we also went to the third room but nothing really happened there, there wasn't much of a crowd and the DJs pretty much sucked, this didn't promise very much for Hercules and Love Affair. When we saw Hercules and Love Affair, the act my friend was waiting for, the set was very disco-inspired, and the crowd was pretty weird but still I had fun at this glamorous Dj-set. Back in room1 The Subs ended their live performance I was sad that I didn't see it all, because what I saw was great, they're great Djs and the singer is giving all he's got. The Subs rule! Then Felix Da Housecat, the first DJ I ever saw when I was like 12, started his set, and it's was pretty much regular Felix-stuff, not very innovative but still fun. Afterwards we ended the night with a combination of the three rooms, a bit of Davidov, TLP, Maxim Lany and Aeroplane. Then we started the journey back, with no busses and really tired legs, it wasn't the most fun part of the evening...

Back home inspired by the artwork of the Culture Club flyers, website,... I dediced to make some pics. So I made my name in their font and then my friend who accompanied me that night also asked me to make it for him. So these are the result:
But "Pete Fox" adjusted his a bit, because he just loves red. People liked the pics and two friends even asked to make one for them too. Here are the onces I made for Ann-Sofie en Dries.

They'll have to catch us first.

About a week ago, I was in my usual record store and saddened by the fact that the records I ordered still weren't in I looked around a bit, and then I found this CD, which was 25% off from 4 euros, I looked at the track list and I immediately decided to buy it. The CD is a compilation by independent record label "Domino". This label is unique because of being very succesfull and still remaining to use the same good concept. In this compilation they let us listen to known and unknown artists, and it's a good combination. "Domino" always does the trick. But the CD is two years old, so most of the unknown are now known, which means the label did a good job again. Personal highlights are the songs by Franz Ferdinand (I can't believe two years ago I was tired of them and 1 live performance later I was a big fan again...), Clearlake and Test Icicles.

Here is the complete track listing:
1. Psapp - King Of You
2. Adem - You And Moon
3. Franz Ferdinand - L.Wells
5. Archie Bronson Outfit - Dart For My Sweetheart
6. Sons And Daughters - Taste The Last Girl
7. Test Icicles - Circle Square Triangle
9. Quasi - Peace And Love
10. Tortoise And Bonnie Prince Billy - Daniel
11. Four Tet - A Joy
12. The Television Personalities - My Dark Places
13. Junior Boys - Like A Child
14. Juana Molina - La Verdad

And a review I found on the web, that I just think is completely right:
"Catch Us If You Can is a fourteen track selection box for your listening delectation. Some of it is current. Some of it is imminent. And some of it was just getting ready to settle in the memory, like the sediment in a delicious bottle of organic ginger-beer.
56 minutes and 29 seconds of upper-echelon envelope-pushing. If you like it all, you're Domino c-in-c Laurence Bell. If you don't like any of it, there's something seriously wrong with you."
(Ben Thompson, March 2006)

donderdag 15 mei 2008

Asian Screen.

*Spoiler Warning* Plot in bold
So I've watched some Asian movies this week, they're were all pretty good, some even super, but what connects all of them is the constant weirdness, the stories are weird, the characters are weird, we can all safely say that Asians are just a little weird.

I began the screening with "Howl's Moving Castle", a movie by Hayao Miyazaki, I borrowed it from a friend because well a moving castle is pretty cool, whenever I had to draw castles in primary school you can be sure as hell that they moved! The movie was nominated for an Academy Award and for once I can see why. A short summary: The film starts off with the protagonist of Howl’s Moving Castle, Sophie, a timid and unsure 18-year-old girl who works in her late father's hat shop. One day she encounters the wizard Howl, they have a brief "moment". But later the Witch of the Waste, who is jealous, makes Sophie 72 years older and Sophie can't tell anybody about the curse. Sophie doesn't know what to do and so she goes on to search Howl's castle (you would think it's pretty hard but the 90-year old almost immediately finds it). Once there she hires herself to be the maid and together with Calcifer, the firedemon who keeps the house moving, and the young rascal Markl she brings life to the castle. After a while Howl is summoned by the king to fight in the war as a war magician, he refuses and by this the hunt for Howl is opened, but Howl decided to fight back, he fights the war no matter what side. Huge battles follow, the castle is destroyed, Sophie finds some things out, she kisses a scarecrow named Turnip, who has helped her from the beginning but everyone thought it was just a meaningless side-character, he actually turned out to be the prince of the other country and in his human form he can stop the war. Sophie is returned to normal and everyone lives happily ever after.
I might have left out some details but you get the point, it's a great movie but when you think about it, it get's really confusing. So for everyone who still doesn't understand the first Matrix, don't even think about watching this movie! (P.S. Turnip, the scarecrow, is the coolest character ever!)

The next day I still hadn't had enough of those little Asians so I searched my room for another movie borrowed from another friend, "Battle Royale", this is a movie most people know because it made quite a commotion. And it was justified, the movie's theme is so unreal, sometimes while you're watching you can't even believe they made a movie about it.
So in the future every child in Japan is a danger for adults, and because of this the government made a law declaring that every year a class will be chosen to play a game called "Battle Royale", 42 contestants are needed so they also transfer students, the game itself consists of dropping them on an island with weapons and saying that they all have to kill eachother and the last one standing will go home.
"At the dawn of the millennium, the nation collapsed. The adults lost confidence, and fearing the youth, eventually passed the Millennium Educational Reform Act - AKA: The BR Act..."
The class in the film is chosen because of a former teacher who was agressed with a knife by a student and then resigned because he was tired of being disrespected. Through the whole thing he talks to the students telling them where to go, where not to go and which of their costudents died. When the students are first dropped they can't believe what they're hearing, but soon a lot of them get in the game and start thinking about that first prize. Others chose to end their own life and a few try to restore peace, forgetting that if more than one is still alive after three days they all die because of their magnificent collars. A few students put on a counterattack, they hack the computer of the government and make bombs, but this miserably failes. In the end three students remain, a couple, the two protagonists, and the guy who helped them and enlisted himself in the game for avenging the death of his girlfriend in a previous game. The guy finds a way so they can all survive, they kill the teacher and escape from the island. Sadely he dies from his wounds and so only the couple remains. They become wanted criminals and have to disappear.
You can be sure if you like violence, you will love this movie. But it's not all mindless violence, behind all the blood and limbs getting cut off there's a really good story, the actors are good and convincing, and the whole teaches you a lot about human nature. I really liked this movie and it has already become one of my favourites.

So today I watched the sequel, Battle Royale II: Requiem, you never know what to expect from sequels, most of the time they're crap but this one wasn't that bad, it was a bit more conventional, but don't worry there are still plenty of children being blown to bits.
It takes place 3 years after the last BR, the survivors have formed a terrorist group called "Wild Seven", they have declared war on all adults! But the government decided not to accept this war instead they make a new law commonly know as BRII, this time a class is chosen to fight the rebel children, they receive weapons and it's the same drill, kill or be killed, this time the group gets a lot smaller a lot faster! But eventually the few that survive team up with "Wild Seven" and fight the enemy troops. Some of them manage to escape and promise to keep fighting the battle for children around the world.
There were two downsides in this movie, the teacher was a theatrical prick and the few completely unnecesary jabs at the U.S.A.'s foreign politics, but both are still quite funny. So overall it was still kinda nice. The story was far more idealistic and political this time, I liked it.

And tonight I've seen "Spirited Away", another movie by Hayao Miyazaki, this one even won an Oscar for best animated picture. But it's just as weird as the other one, and I was less enjoyed, it was often rather boring but still remains a really good movie.
A girl named "Chihiro" is moving with her parents, they get lost in the forest and find a sort of gate, this takes them to the spirit world, her parents don't realize this and they think they're in a theme park, they eat the food they find and change into pigs. The little girl soon realizes she's in a lot of trouble, luckily she gets help from a few friends, because of this she can get a job in the bath-house and can think of a plan to save her parents. Eventually by doing what her heart tells her, she saves a lot of people including herself and her parents. They are able to escape and safely return to their new home.
A beautiful story, beautiful drawings, a beautiful idea, that about sums up this movie. And still this was the most disappointing one. I don't know why but it just seemed to long for such a short story.

That's all for Asian Screen, maybe one day I'll make another episode but in the meantime you should also really check out these movies: "Shoalin Soccer", "Kungfu Hustle" and "The Host"! The first two are comedies by Stephen Chow, they're hilarious, and the last one is a great Korean monster film. It's one of the greatest ever made and it revived the genre. Well enjoy!